Sunday's, 11am-12pm, St Paul's Location
For School Years 7-13.
Youth Church is not an event, it is a space to have fun, hang out with your mates, get to know Jesus and be a part of the life of Hope Church Hounslow.
Sunday's, 1-4pm, Beavers Sports Lodge
For School Years 3-13
We run football sessions for various age groups, deliver values based sessions and take part in regular games and tournaments, plus loads more events for the community.
Tuesday's, 7-8.30pm, Good Shepherd Location
For School Years 7-13
Join us for a night for young people on or around the Meadows Estate. We organise sport sessions, gaming, cooking and spaces to hang out.
Friday's, 7-8.30pm, St Paul's Location
For School Years 7-13
We have been running our Youth Nights since 2016. We spend time together at the end of the school week to relax, enjoy some good food, for discipleship and regular socials.
For Year 6 Students
Youth Cafe is a space for year 6's to prepare for secondary school, where they can explore topics in a safe space with a mentor, take part in fun games and enjoy food.
Youth Cafe will return in June 2024.
E-mail us for more information on our summer festivals and weekends away we go on throughout the year.